Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

Use the options below to view resources by topic.

Journal ArticlesBack to top

The Church in the Light of Scripture

Jack J. Blanco

07/2 (Fall 1996)


The Quest for the Biblical Ontological Ground of Christian Theology

Fernando Canale

16/1 (Spring 2005)


Ellen White, Lifestyle, and Scripture Interpretation

P. Gerard Damsteegt

07/2 (Fall 1996)

LifestyleScriptureSpirit of Prophecy

A Look at Biblical and Ancient Extra-Biblical Perspectives on Death

Randall W. Younker

16/1 (Spring 2005)


The Authority of the Bible from the Perspective of Isaiah 55

Ganoune Diop

07/2 (Fall 1996)


The Message of God's People in the Old Testament

Jiri Moskala

19/1 (Spring 2008)

Old Testament

Encountering Truth: A Biblical Perspective

John Wesley Taylor V

18/2 (Fall 2007)


What Happens to Biblical Truth if the SDA Church Accepts Theistic Evolution

Norman R. Gulley

15/2 (Fall 2004)


The Public Square: Union of Churchh and State: What We Can Learn from History and Scripture

Norman R. Gulley

18/1 (Spring 2007)


"Eating" and "Drinking" in the Book of Revelation: A Study of New Testament Thought and Theolgy

Gerald A. Klingbeil

16/1 (Spring 2005)

New TestamentRevelationScripture

The Mission of God's People in the Old Testament

Jiri Moskala

19/1 (Spring 2008)

Old Testament

From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Biblical and Systematic Theologies--Part II

Fernando Canale

16/1 (Spring 2005)


Trinity in the Old Testament

Norman R. Gulley

17/1 (Spring 2006)

Old TestamentTrinity

A Concept of Sexual Immorality and Its Consequences in the Bible

Anna Galeniece

15/2 (Fall 2004)


The Quest for a Biblical Trinity: Ellen White's "Heavenly Trio" Compared to the Traditional Doctrine

Jerry Moon

17/1 (Spring 2006)

DoctrineScriptureSpirit of ProphecyTrinity

Conscience in the New Testament

Edwin Cook

15/2 (Fall 2004)

New TestamentScienceScripture

Politics--To Engage or Not to Engage? Seeking a Biblical Perspective

John Wesley Taylor V

19/1 (Spring 2008)


The End of Historicism? Reflections on the Adventist Approach to Biblical Apocalyptic--Part Two

Jon Paulien

17/1 (Spring 2006)


The Well Women of Scripture Revisited

Jo Ann Davidson

17/1 (Spring 2006)


Scripture in Memory

Robert H. Banks

11/4 (Winter 2006)


The Bible and Alcoholic Beverages

Samuele Bacchiocchi

02/2 (Fall 1991)


Biblical Interpretation and Moral Authority

Miroslav M. Kis

06/2 (Fall 1995)




The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind--Part 2

Fernando Canale

22/1 (Spring 2011)


The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind--Part 1

Fernando Canale

21/2 (Fall 2010)




Creation in the New Testament

Ekkehardt Mueller

15/1 (Spring 2004)

CreationNew TestamentScripture

Daniel's Pre-advent Judgment in its Biblical Context

Norman R. Gulley

02/2 (Fall 1991)


The Legacy of Gerhard Hasel's 'Old Testament Theology'

Richard M. Davidson

26/2 (Fall 2015)

Old TestamentTheology

Dispensational Biblical Interpretation: Its Past and Present Hermeneutical Systems

Norman R. Gulley

04/1 (Spring 1993)


Ellen White on Theology, Its Methods, and the Use of Scripture

P. Gerard Damsteegt

04/2 (Fall 1993)

ScriptureSpirit of ProphecyTheology

The Crisis of the Authority of the Bible as the Word of God

Gerhard F. Hasel

1/1 (Spring 1990)


Hasel Israel in Bible Prophecy JATS 3-1 Spring 1992




Unknowing, Knowing: and the Link with Scripture in Pseudo-Dionysius’s Mystical Theology

Cleran Hollancid

26/1 (Spring 2015)


Word Made Flesh: The Inspiration of Scripture

Jo Ann Davidson

15/1 (Spring 2004)


The Inspiration of Scripture in the Writings of Ellen G. White

P. Gerard Damsteegt

05/1 (Spring 1994)

ScriptureSpirit of Prophecy

Interpreting Scripture: An Hermeneutical Decalogue

Richard M. Davidson

04/2 (Fall 1993)


Unchaining the Bible: Putting the Bible Back in the Pew

Roland J. Hill

09/1 (Spring 1998)


The Lesser and the Greater Lights: Ellen White and the Bible

Warren S. Ashworth

09/1 (Spring 1998)

ScriptureSpirit of Prophecy

Biblical Narratives and Christian Decision

Miroslav Kis

09/1 (Spring 1998)


Tall al-'Umayri and the Bible

Larry G. Herr

09/1 (Spring 1998)


Biblical Truth in the Context of New Modes of Thinking

Winfried Vogel

09/1 (Spring 1998)


A Holocaust of Deception: Lying to Save Life and Biblical Morality

Ron du Preez

09/1 (Spring 1998)


Divine Accomodation in Revelation and Scripture

Peter M. van Bemmelen

09/1 (Spring 1998)


The Relationship Between Archaeology and the Bible

David Merling

09/1 (Spring 1998)


Servant-Master Roles of the Laws of Christ, Scripture, and Nature

Martin Hanna

09/1 (Spring 1998)


God and War in the Old Testament

Pierre Winandy

09/1 (Spring 1998)

Old Testament

Biblical Authority and Moral Responsibility: The Word Cannot Be Silenced, But Must Not Be Made Void

Miroslav Kis

10/1 (Spring 1999)


Epics & Ethics: Vital Biblical Principles for Interpreting Scripture Stories

Ron du Preez

10/1 (Spring 1999)


Modern Feminism, Religious Pluralism, and Scripture

Jo Ann Davidson

10/1 (Spring 1999)


A History of S.D.A. Views on Biblical and Prophetic Inspiration

Alberto R. Timm

10/1 (Spring 1999)


Ancient Near Eastern Parallels to the Bible and the Question of Revelation and Inspiration

12/1 (Spring 2001)

ScriptureWorld Religions

Evangelical Theology and Open Theism: Toward a Biblical Understanding of the Macro Hermeneutical Principles of Theology

Fernando Canale

12/2 (Fall 2002)


Old Testament Principles Relating to Divorce and Remarriage

Roy Gane

12/2 (Fall 2001)

FamilyMarriageOld Testament

A Review of the Biblical Evidence for the Use of the Fall-to-Fall Calendar

William H. Shea

12/2 (Fall 2001)


Daniel 9:27a: A Key for Understanding the Law's End in the New Testament

Roberto Ouro

12/2 (Fall 2001)

DanielLawNew TestamentScripture

Annihilation and Biblical Inspiration: Do Words Mean What They Say?

Ed Christian

12/2 (Fall 2001)


"The Remnant of My Sheep": A Study of Jeremiah 23:1-8 in Its Biblical and Theological Contexts

Kenneth D. Mulzac

13/1 (Spring 2002)


Scripture in Memory: Jesus as a Model of Spiritual Formation

Robert H. Banks

13/2 (Fall 2002)


The Hasel-Kaiser and Evangelical Discussions on the Seach for a Center or 'Mitte' to Biblical Theology

Walter C. Kaiser Jr.

26/2 (Fall 2015)


'United We Stand': A Biblical Perspective on Ecumenical Relations

Gerald A. Kingbeil

25/2 (Fall 2014)


Creation in the Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament: An Intertextual Approach

Martin Klingbeil

20/1 (Spring 2009)

CreationOld TestamentProphecy

The Biblical Witness of the Character of God in Relation to the Qur'an

Larry Lichtenwalter

22/2 (Fall 2011)


Archaeology and Old Testament Biblical Theology: Their Interface and Mutual Informativeness

Eugene H. Merrill

26/2 (Fall 2015)

ArchaeologyOld TestamentScriptureTheology

The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures

Jiri Moskala

24/2 (Fall 2013)

Holy SpiritScripture

Toward Trinitarian Thinking in the Hebrew Scriptures

Jiri Moskala

21/2 (Fall 2010)


Creation Through the New Testament Looking Glass

Ekkehardt Mueller

10/3 (Summer 2005)

CreationNew TestamentScripture

The Faith Factor: New Testament Cosmology in its Historical Context

Keith Augustus Burton

15/1 (Spring 2004)

CosmologyHistoryNew TestamentScripture

New Testament Use of the Old Testament

Richard M. Davidson

05/1 (Spring 1994)

New TestamentOld TestamentScripture

The Origin of the Biblical Sabbath and the Historical-Critical Method: A Methodological Test Case

Gerhard F. Hasel

04/1 (Spring 1993)


Israel as the People of the Covenant and Dispensationalism: A Biblical Evaluation

Ikechukwu Michael Oluikpe|Kim Papaioannou

28/2 (Fall 2017)


Death as Sleep: The (Mis)use of a Biblical Metaphor

Wilson Paroschi

28/1 (Spring 2017)


The Resurrection and the Old Testament: A Fresh Look in Light of Recent Reseach

Jon Paulien

24/1 (Spring 2013)

Old Testament

Presuppositions: The Key to the Formulation of Biblical Doctrine

Bruce Norman

04/1 (Spring 1993)


Progressive Creationism and Biblical Revelation

John T. Baldwin

03/1 (Spring 1992)


"Away from the Body and at Home with the Lord": 2 Cor 5:1-10 in Context

Edwin Reynolds

24/2 (Fall 2013)

DeathNew TestamentSecond Coming



Human Reason and Biblical Hermeneutics: An Introduction

Angel Manuel Rodriguez

27/2 (Fall 2016)


Salvation in Scripture

Gerhard F. Hasel

03/2 (Fall 1992)


The Sola Scriptura Principle in the Current Debate

Aleksandar S. Santrac

24/1 (Spring 2013)




The Battle for Biblical Eschatology in the End Time

Norman R. Gulley

01/2 (Fall 1990)


The Totality of Scripture versus Modernistic Limitations

Gerhard F. Hasel

02/1 (Spring 1991)


Two Models of Inspiration? The Challenge of the Old Testament Narratives

Bernard White

28/2 (Fall 2017)

Old Testament

God and War in the Old Testament

Pierre Winandy

11/3 (Fall 2006)

Old Testament

The President's Page [Intro to Jerusalem Bible Conference Issue]

Norman R. Gulley

09/1 (Spring 1998)


“What is his name, and what is his son’s name?” Proverbs 30:4 and the Trinity

Stephen Bauer

29/1-2 (Spring 2018)

Old TestamentScriptureTrinity

Gender, Anthropology, and Sexuality in New Testament Perspective: Implications for Transgenderism

Larry L. Lichtenwalter

29/1-2 2018

EthicsGenderNew TestamentSexuality

The Holy Spirit in the New Testament

John K. McVay

29/1-2 2018

Holy SpiritNew Testament

Radically New Beginning—Radically New End: Creation and Eschatology in the New Testament

Laszlo Gallusz

29/1-2 2018

CreationEvolutionNew TestamentPhilosophy

The Meaning of the Fear of God: The Crucial Notion of the Everlasting Gospel—A Biblical Study

Jirí Moskala

30/1-2 (Spring 2019)


The Punishment of the Sabbath Breaker in Numbers 15:32-36

Daniel K. Bediako

30/1-2 (Spring 2019)

JudgementOld TestamentSabbath

A God Who Sees and Hears the "Other": Hagar's Theophany as an Illustration of the Lord's Benevolence Toward Those Outside the Covenant

Daniel Royo

30/1-2 (Spring 2019)

CultureOld Testament

Principles for Understanding the Biblical Worldview

E. Edward Zinke

30/1-2 (Spring 2019)


Personality of the Holy Spirit: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Investigation

Christopher R. Mwashinga

30/1-2 (Spring 2019)

HistoryHoly SpiritScriptureTheologyTrinity

Joseph, Judah and Jesus: Revisiting Genesis 37-50

Jo Ann Davidson

30/1-2 (Spring 2019)

Old TestamentScriptureTheology

Towards a Biblical Model of Spirituality, Part 1: Historical and Theological Background

Silvia Canale Bacchiocchi

30/1-2 (Spring 2019)


Appearances, Appearances: First Impressions of Young David in 1 Samuel 16:12; 17:42

Mary Katherine Hom-Smith|Oliver Glanz

31/1-2 (Spring 2020)

HermeneuticsOld Testament

Jesus' Eschatological Legacy: The Tension Between the Nearness of the Second Coming and the Mission of the Church

Wilson Paroschi

31/1-2 (Spring 2020)

EschatologyNew Testament

The Contributions of Cyrus, Darius I, and Artaxerxes I to the Decree to Restore and Build Jerusalem

P. Gerard Damsteegt

31/1-2 (Spring 2020)

HistoryOld Testament

The Cheirographon and Christ: Recent Scholarly Findings

Ron du Preez

31/1-2 (Spring 2020)

HermeneuticsNew TestamentScripture

The "Spirit of Prophecy" (Rev 19:10) in the Light of Second Temple Jewish Usage

Davidson Razafiarivony

31/1-2 (Spring 2020)

New TestamentRevelation

Christ in the Covenant Curses? Deuteronomy 28 and the Gospel

A. Rahel Wells

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

AdventismDoctrineNew TestamentOld TestamentWorldview

The Faith of Jethro: Polytheist or Monotheist?

Daniel Royo

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

HermeneuticsOld Testament

The Newness of the New Covenant

Jirí Moskala

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

HermeneuticsNew TestamentOld TestamentTheology

Sanctuary Colors through Egyptian Eyes

L. S. Baker, Jr.

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

Old TestamentWorld Religions

Reconsidering the Meaning of the "Laying on of Hands" in 1Timothy 5:22 through a Structural Approach: The Use of 'Tauta' in 1Timothy

Sampson M. Nwaomah|Nicholas B. Bitamazire

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

HermeneuticsNew Testament

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: A Narrative-Exegetical Study of Its Relationship to the Afterlife, Wealth, and Poverty–Part 1: The Afterlife

Thomas R. Shepherd

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

DeathHermeneuticsLifestyleNew TestamentWorldview

The Case for Ağrı Dağı/Masis as Biblical Mt. Ararat

Randall W. Younker

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

ArchaeologyGeologyOld TestamentWorld Religions

Living in the Post-Easter Era: The Theology of the Matthean Eschatological Discourse (Matthew 24-25)

Laszlo Gallusz

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

EschatologyNew Testament

Old Testament Ordination (Male-Only) and Commissioning and New Testament Commissioning

Roy E. Gane

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

EcclesiologyGenderNew TestamentOld Testament

The Salvation-Historical Continuity of Resident Foreigner and National Corresponding-Holiness Torah Abstentions

David Hamstra

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

DoctrineEthicsNew TestamentOld TestamentPhilosophyTheologyWorld ReligionsWorship

The Lord's Prayer in the Context of the Great Controversy

Marek Harastej

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

LifestyleNew TestamentScriptureWorship

A Comparative Analysis of the Narrative in 2 Samuel 11 and the Parable in 2 Samuel 12:1-4

Sungjin Kim

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

ArchaeologyHermeneuticsOld Testament

The Mystery of the Seventh Seal

Edwin Reynolds

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

EschatologyNew TestamentProphecyRevelationSecond Coming

Divine Speeches in the Book of Psalms: Their Role, Placement, and Implication for the Message and Structure of Selected Psalms

Dragoslava Santrac

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

HermeneuticsOld TestamentScriptureTheologyWorship

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: A Narrative-Exegetical Study of Its Relationship to the Afterlife, Wealth, and Poverty-Part 2: Wealth and Poverty

Thomas R. Shepherd

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

LifestyleNew TestamentStewardshipWorldview

DocumentsBack to top

Eternally Equal

Timothy J. Arena

A Historical, Biblical, And Theological Analysis Of Intertrinitarian Relationships


The Biblical Narrative of God and 'The Triune God': The Necessity of the Biblical Theological Frame for a Dogmatic Formulation of the Doctrine of Triune God

Jan Barna


Sola Scriptura Statuat Lex Orandi

David Williams

Toward a Transcultural Theology of Liturgy


Reformation and Revitalization of Biblical Languages

Petronio Genebago


Justification by Faith According to the Old Testament

Richard M. Davidson

In the Footsteps of the Reformers.

JustificationOld Testament

AudioBack to top

Sola Scriptura Statuat Lex Orandi

Toward a Transcultural Theology of Liturgy

David Williams


Ecclesiology, Hermeneutics and Church Authority

The Role of the Community of Faith in the Interpretation of Scripture in Luther and Calvin and its Relation to Church Authority

Gerardo Oudri


Adventist Society for Religious Studies Presidential Address

Sola Scriptura, Truth, and the Future of Bible Interpretation

Olive Hemming


Does the Church Have the Authority to Adapt Scriptural Organizational Ideals?

Nicholas P. Miller


Literary Structure in the Book of Exodus

A Case Study in the Aesthetic Nature and Theological Function of Scripture

Richard Davidson


Tradition 0.5 : A Case for "No Creed but the Bible"

Kessia Reyne Bennett


The Hebrew Bible as Christian Scripture

Panel Discussion


The Rule of Faith and Scripture

a brief analysis of the rule of faith in contemporary Theological Interpretation of Scripture

Adriani Milli Rodrigues


The Function of Scripture for the Waldensians of the 12th and 13th centuries

Gonzalo L. Pita


A Holistic Ethical Approach to the Function of Scripture as Shaper of Human Character of God's People

Davide Sciarabba


The Word Speaks for Itself

Issues of Revelation and Inspiration

Jo Ann Davidson


The Scholar and the Word of God

Reflections on 2 Peter 1:16-21

Thomas R. Shepherd


Prophets interpreting the Law

Guides for those "who keep the commandments of God" (Rev 14:12)

Kenneth Bergland


A Case for Historicism in Revelation 2-3: Why the seven churches are historical periods

Reimar Vetne


Embracing and Waiting Patiently for the Word

Standing on the Promises of God

Jirí Moskala


The Diverse Operations of the Holy Spirit

Ellen White's Progressing Description of Divine Inspiration

Denis Kaiser


The Intertextual Nature of Scripture

Allusions to Genesis 11:1-9 in Daniel 11

Enrique Báez


Cosmology, Ontology, and the Travail of Biblical Interpretation

a Study on the Macro-Hermeneutical Assumptions that Shape the Nature and Function of Scripture

Tiago Arrais


Panel Discussion


Culture and Scripture

Randall W. Younker


The Holy and the Profane in Scripture and Adventism

Winfried Vogel


Jesus Against the Law? Another Look at the Antitheses

Greg A. King


John 5:18 - Jesus and Sabbath Law

Kim Papaioannou


Transmitting Biblical Tradition to Contemporary Culture

Martin F. Hanna


Pauline Universalism and the Ekklesia

Diversity in Action

Eliezer Gonzalez


Open Discussion

Roy E. Gane


How the Bible Spells Success

Ron E. M. Clouzet

AdventismProphecyScriptureSpirit of Prophecy

Ellen G. White’s Passion for Jesus and Scripture

Merlin D. Burt

AdventismProphecyScriptureSpirit of Prophecy