Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

2020 Fall Symposium

Theme - Christianity and Islam
November 18-21, 2020

Call to Papers Symposium Program

The Adventist Theological Society annual meetings took place Wednesday (Nov. 18) through Sabbath (Nov. 21), 2020. Our special topic was “Christianity and Islam.”


13 Christianity and Islam

Abraham, Ishmael, and Twelve Princes: Adventism and Islam Eriks Galenieks, Andrews University Sabbath, November 21, 2020 ATS Fall Symposium, Zoom Webinar

14 Christianity and Islam

rhm: Origin and Development of the 'Merciful God' Motif Nestor Petruk, Istituto Avventista di Cultura Biblica 'Villa Aurora' Sabbath, November 21, 2020 ATS Fall Symposium, Zoom Webinar

15 Christianity and Islam

The Sanctuary/Temple in Acts 7 and the Event of the Terminus ad Quem of the 70-week Prophecy of Daniel Leonardo Nunes, SALT-Northeast Sabbath, November 21, 2020 ATS Fall Symposium, Zoom Webinar

16 Christianity and Islam

Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad as Multicultural Persons: A Premise for Interfaith Understanding Bruce Pearson, American University Sabbath, November 21, 2020 ATS Fall Symposium, Zoom Webinar

17 Christianity and Islam

Clashing for the End: Muslims, the Reformation, and Eschatology Efrain Velazquez, Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary Sabbath, November 21, 2020 ATS Fall Symposium, Zoom Webinar

19 Christianity and Islam

Adventist Pioneers and the Philosophical Assumptions of Christian Theology Roy Graf, Universidad Peruana Union Sabbath, November 21, 2020 ATS Fall Symposium, Zoom Webinar

18 Christianity and Islam

Seventh-day Adventist Approaches and Understandings of Islam and Muslims from 1844-1980 Andrew Tompkins, Andrews University Sabbath, November 21, 2020 ATS Fall Symposium, Zoom Webinar