Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

Use the options below to view resources by topic.

Journal ArticlesBack to top

Contemporary Culture and Christian Lifestyle: A Clash of Worldviews

Samuel Koranteng-Pipim

04/1 (Spring 1993)


Worldview Transformation and Mission: Narrative, Theology and Ritual in John's Apocalypse

Larry Lichtenwalter

21/2 (Fall 2010)


A Fresh Look at Ellen G. White’s Statements Within Their Original Context on the Heathen Being Saved

Andrew Tompkins

29/1-2 2018

Spirit of ProphecyWorld ReligionsWorldview

Principles for Understanding the Biblical Worldview

E. Edward Zinke

30/1-2 (Spring 2019)


Kaaba & Sanctuary: Qur'anic and Biblical Cosmic Centers—Ontological and Existential Worldviews

Larry L. Lichtenwalter

31/1-2 (Spring 2020)

PhilosophyWorld ReligionsWorldview

Christ in the Covenant Curses? Deuteronomy 28 and the Gospel

A. Rahel Wells

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

AdventismDoctrineNew TestamentOld TestamentWorldview

Worldview Origins–Part 1: The Role of Parents, Media, and Education

Joseph Kidder|Katelyn Campbell Weakley

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

CulturePhilosophyPostmodernismRelativismWorld ReligionsWorldview

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: A Narrative-Exegetical Study of Its Relationship to the Afterlife, Wealth, and Poverty–Part 1: The Afterlife

Thomas R. Shepherd

32/1-2 (Spring 2021)

DeathHermeneuticsLifestyleNew TestamentWorldview

Worldview Origins-Part 2: The Role of Religion, the Bible, and Culture

Joseph Kidder|Katelyn Campbell Weakley

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

EcumenismLifestylePhilosophyPostmodernismRelativismWorld ReligionsWorldview

The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: A Narrative-Exegetical Study of Its Relationship to the Afterlife, Wealth, and Poverty-Part 2: Wealth and Poverty

Thomas R. Shepherd

33/1-2 (Spring 2022)

LifestyleNew TestamentStewardshipWorldview

AudioBack to top

Take the Chance - 1st Worship Service

Carl P. Cosaert


Sabbath Mode in a Hurting World

Larry Lichtenwalter


The Prophetic Voice of Amos as a Paradigm for Christians in the Public Square

Gerald A. Klingbeil


The Parameters of Social Justice and Natural Law Theory

Edwin Cook


Biblical Models of Church and Society Relations

Miroslav M. Kis


The Church in the Public Square

Public Activity and Public Image

John Graz


The Priesthood of Believers and the Separation of Church and State

18th Century American Protestant Thought and Religious Disestablishment

Nicholas P. Miller


Should the Christian Mission Focus on Salvation or Society?

Bert B. Beach
