Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

by·law (noun) \ˈbī-ˌlȯ\: a rule that an organization makes and that its members must follow

Article I: Membership

Sec. 1.

Candidacy for membership shall be based upon receipt by the Society office of:



the signed Society Membership Form, indicating acceptance of the Society's Constitution and Bylaws, unreserved commitment to the mission of the Society, and active support of the core values and goals of the Society; and



the membership fee.


The Executive Committee reserves the right to deny membership from candidates when deemed advisable.

Sec. 2.

Under currency exchange difficulties, the Executive Committee may waive membership fee requirements.

Sec. 3.

Membership is reconfirmed annually upon the signing of the Annual Reaffirmation form and the payment of the membership fee. If reaffirmation forms are not received for three consecutive years, membership will be considered terminated.

Sec. 4.

A member may be disaffiliated for not upholding the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society or for misrepresenting ATS.  Such action requires a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Committee. A disaffiliated person may appeal to the Executive Committee.  If the Executive Committee, after review, upholds its previous action, the disaffiliated person may request that the Executive Committee bring the matter to a duly called business meeting. A two-thirds majority vote of members present and voting at the business meeting is necessary for reinstatement to membership.

Sec. 5.

As the work of the Society is a church-related function with voluntary membership and in no sense has to do with civil or legal procedure, any disaffiliation appeal to the Executive Committee will involve only the disaffiliated person and the Executive Committee.  If an appeal goes to a business meeting, it will be considered only by members of the Society in their capacity as members.

Article II:  Business Meetings

Sec. 1.

Business meetings shall be called by the Executive Committee and announced by the President no later than one month in advance of the meeting date and are open to members in regular standing.

Sec. 2.

Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business, three of whom must be Society officers, including either the President or the President-elect.

Sec. 3.

Officers, editors, and trustees of the Society shall be elected by vote of the members at the general annual business meeting of the Society

Article III: Executive Committee

Sec. 1.

The Executive Committee of the Society shall establish policies and carry out actions on behalf of the Society. It shall appoint committees and fix the time, place, and programs of all business meetings, including the general annual business meeting.  It shall constitute the Nominating Committee and shall nominate all Officers, Editors, and Trustees. It shall set the amount of membership fees, subscription rates, and like matters, and receive an accounting by the Treasurer of the financial activities and status of the Society.

Sec. 2.

If the need arises to replace an officer, editor, or trustee as the result of resignation, illness, or death, or to terminate the services of such for not upholding the Society's Constitution and Bylaws, or for misrepresenting the Society, this shall be expedited by a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Committee. Such an appointment shall be for the interim period until the next general annual business meeting, at which time the serving individual may be a candidate, along with others, for election to fill the vacancy for a full term.

Sec. 3.

A quorum for the Executive Committee shall consist of seven, including either the president or the president-elect. 

Article IV:  Amendments

Proposed amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society may be submitted to the Executive Committee for study and, if approved by the Executive Committee, distributed to the membership for study at least two months before the next general annual business meeting. Adoption of any such amendments shall require a two-thirds majority vote of the members present and voting.

Article V: Dissolution

If ever deemed necessary, dissolution of the Society shall be according to the Tennessee Code Annotated Sections 48-64-101 et. seq., that govern non-profit organizations.