Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

Use the options below to view resources by topic.

Journal ArticlesBack to top

What Happens to Biblical Truth if the SDA Church Accepts Theistic Evolution

Norman R. Gulley

15/2 (Fall 2004)


Adventist Theology and Deep Time/Evolutionary Theory: Are They Compatible?

Fernando Canale

15/2 (Fall 2004)


Darwin and the Gospel Commission: How Does Our View of Origins Impact the Evangelistic Mission of the Church?

Stephen Bauer

19/1 (Spring 2008)


Ellen G. White and Creationism: How to Deal with Her Statements on Creation and Evolution: Implications and Prospects

Frank M. Hasel

17/1 (Spring 2006)

CreationEvolutionSpirit of Prophecy

Is Adventist Theology Compatible With Evolutionary Theory?

Fernando Canale

10/4 (Fall 2005)


Creation and Theodicy: Protological Presuppositions in Evolutionary Theodicy

Adriani Milli Rodrigues

25/2 (Fall 2014)


Understanding the Geologic Record in a Seventh-day Adventist Perspective

Samuel A. Abdala

29/1-2 2018


Assessing the Christian Epistemic Obligation to Big Bang Cosmology

Sven Östring

29/1-2 2018


Radically New Beginning—Radically New End: Creation and Eschatology in the New Testament

Laszlo Gallusz

29/1-2 2018

CreationEvolutionNew TestamentPhilosophy

AudioBack to top

Creation and Theodicy: Protological Presuppositions in Evolutionary Theodicy

Adriani Milli Rodrigues


Does God Care for Creation? The Origins and the Future of Natural Evil

A Comparison Between the Theistic Evolutionary Model and the Recent Historical Creation Model

Adelina Alexe


Evolution as a Fallacy of Hypostatization

Gonzalo L. Pita


Sermon – Are We Ready for the Revolution?

Leslie Pollard


Marriage and Family Under the Impact of Five Great Revolutions

Alberto R. Timm
