Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.
Literary Structure in the Book of Exodus: A Case Study in the Aesthetic Nature and Theological Function of Scripture
Tradition 0.5 : A Case for "No Creed but the Bible"
Kessia Reyne Bennett
The Hebrew Bible as Christian Scripture: Panel Discussion
The Rule of Faith and Scripture: a brief analysis of the rule of faith in contemporary Theological Interpretation of Scripture
Adriani Milli RodriguesPh.D. student, Andrews University
The Function of Scripture for the Waldensians of the 12th and 13th centuries
Gonzalo L. PitaPh.D., Baltimore Spanish SDA Church
A Holistic Ethical Approach to the Function of Scripture as Shaper of Human Character of God's People
Davide Sciarabba
The Word Speaks for Itself: Issues of Revelation and Inspiration
Jo Ann DavidsonProfessor of Theology, Andrews University
The Scholar and the Word of God: Reflections on 2 Peter 1:16-21
Thomas R. ShepherdPresident, ATS, Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Andrews University
Prophets interpreting the Law: Guides for those "who keep the commandments of God" (Rev 14:12)
Kenneth Bergland
A Case for Historicism in Revelation 2-3: Why the seven churches are historical periods
Reimar Vetne
Embracing and Waiting Patiently for the Word: Standing on the Promises of God
Jirí MoskalaAndrews University
The Diverse Operations of the Holy Spirit: Ellen White's Progressing Description of Divine Inspiration
Denis KaiserAdventist Studies Doctoral Candidate, Andrews University
The Intertextual Nature of Scripture: Allusions to Genesis 11:1-9 in Daniel 11
Enrique BáezPh.D., Dominican Adventist University
Cosmology, Ontology, and the Travail of Biblical Interpretation: a Study on the Macro-Hermeneutical Assumptions that Shape the Nature and Function of Scripture
Tiago Arrais
Panel Discussion
Moderator: Felix H. CortezPresident-Elect, Adventist Theological Society, Professor of New Testament, Montemorelos University