Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

Bible Symposium - San Diego, CA

Our symposium this year, “SDA Standards and Lifestyle,” promises to integrate the best insights of good Seventh-day Adventist theology and sound health education principles, with the awesome and continuing miracle of day-to-day living with Jesus.

Presenters and participants will focus together on the relationship between true godliness and long-established SDA practices of eating and drinking, attire and entertainment.


The Peptides of Peace (Sabbath School)

Vicki Griffin

Adventist Standards: Constraint of Freedom

Miroslav Kis

How to Know if a Biblical Law Applies to Modern Life

Roy E. GaneProfessor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages, Andrews University

The Bill of Divorce: An Intertextual Reading of Tractate Gittin and the New Testament Logia Regarding Divorce

Donn W. Leatherman

'Let No One Judge You:' Col. 2:16-17 in Biblical Perspective: ' Col. 2

Edwin Reynolds

Are the Laws of Leviticus 11 on Clean and Unclean Food Still Relevant?

Jirí MoskalaAndrews University