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Hardinge 03/2 (Fall 1992) HealthLifestyle Homosexual Activity: Does Romans 1 Condone or Condemn It? R. M. Springett 01/2 (Fall 1990) CultureGenderLifestyleMarriageSexuality The God-Given Marital Mandate: Monogamous, Heterosexual, Intrafaith Ron du Preez 10/1 (Spring 1999) CultureGenderLifestyleMarriageSexuality The Theological and Practical Significance of Health Reform in the Writings of Ellen G. White Ãngel Manuel RodrÃguez 25/2 (Fall 2014) HealthLifestyleSpirit of ProphecyTheology The Role of SDA Education in the Formation of Adventist Lifestyle George H. Akers 04/1 (Spring 1993) AdventismLifestyle Ecosystem Community Health Initiatives and Care of Creation Warren Shipton 25/1 (Spring 2014) CreationHealthLifestyle Ellen White, Health, and the Third Angel's Message: Part 2-Minimizing Non-Communicable Diseases Warren A. Shipton 28/2 (Fall 2017) HealthLifestyleSpirit of Prophecy Ellen White, Health, and the Third Angel's Message: Part 1--Improving Health through Reducing Transmissible Diseases Warren A. Shipton 28/1 (Spring 2017) HealthLifestyleSpirit of Prophecy Thinking about Thinking: An Assessment of Presuppositions Underlying Adventist Lifestyle Issues Ron du Preez 04/1 (Spring 1993) AdventismLifestyle "If God gives me strength, I shall be in the cities": Ellen G. White, "Outpost Centers," and Mission Work in Cities David Trim|Ashlee Chism 31/1-2 (Spring 2020) AdventismAdventist HistoryCultureHistoryLifestyle Ellen White, Health, and the Third Angel’s Message: Part 3– Recognizing Environmental Hazards and Minimizing Their Impact Warren A. Shipton 29/1-2 2018 EnvironmentHealthLifestyle Compassionate Ministry: Christological and Practical Reflections Anna Galeniece 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) AdventismCultureLifestyleTheology The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: A Narrative-Exegetical Study of Its Relationship to the Afterlife, Wealth, and Poverty–Part 1: The Afterlife Thomas R. Shepherd 32/1-2 (Spring 2021) DeathHermeneuticsLifestyleNew TestamentWorldview The Lord's Prayer in the Context of the Great Controversy Marek Harastej 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) LifestyleNew TestamentScriptureWorship Worldview Origins-Part 2: The Role of Religion, the Bible, and Culture Joseph Kidder|Katelyn Campbell Weakley 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) EcumenismLifestylePhilosophyPostmodernismRelativismWorld ReligionsWorldview The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: A Narrative-Exegetical Study of Its Relationship to the Afterlife, Wealth, and Poverty-Part 2: Wealth and Poverty Thomas R. Shepherd 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) LifestyleNew TestamentStewardshipWorldview AudioBack to top Culture and Scripture Randall W. Younker Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureLifestyleScripture The Holy and the Profane in Scripture and Adventism Winfried Vogel Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismCultureLifestyleScripture Jesus Against the Law? Another Look at the Antitheses Greg A. King Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureLifestyleScripture John 5:18 - Jesus and Sabbath Law Kim Papaioannou Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureLifestyleScripture Transmitting Biblical Tradition to Contemporary Culture Martin F. Hanna Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureLifestyleScripture Pauline Universalism and the Ekklesia Diversity in Action Eliezer Gonzalez Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureLifestyleScripture Open Discussion Roy E. Gane Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureLifestyleScripture The Peptides of Peace (Sabbath School) Vicki Griffin Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismHealthLifestyle Adventist Standards Constraint of Freedom Miroslav Kis Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismHealthLifestyle How to Know if a Biblical Law Applies to Modern Life Roy E. Gane Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismHealthLifestyle The Bill of Divorce An Intertextual Reading of Tractate Gittin and the New Testament Logia Regarding Divorce Donn W. Leatherman Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismHealthLifestyle 'Let No One Judge You:' Col. 2:16-17 in Biblical Perspective ' Col. 2 Edwin Reynolds Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismHealthLifestyle Are the Laws of Leviticus 11 on Clean and Unclean Food Still Relevant? Jirí Moskala Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismHealthLifestyle The Push Toward Conservative Lifestyle And the Rise of the Antichrist John Reeve Your browser does not support the audio tag. EschatologyLifestyle Old Testament Principles Relevant to Consensual Homoerotic Activity Roy E. Gane Your browser does not support the audio tag. FamilyLifestyleMarriage Homosexuality and the Contextual Meaning of ‘Exchange’ (Μεταλλάσσω) in Romans 1:25-27 Thomas R. Shepherd Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureFamilyGenderLifestyleMarriageSexuality Homosexuality and the Church Seeking a Way Forward Jon Paulien Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureFamilyGenderLifestyleMarriageSexuality Same-Sex Marriage, Civil Rights, and Religious Liberty An Adventist View Nicholas P. Miller Your browser does not support the audio tag. FamilyLifestyleMarriageSexuality Marriage and Family Under the Impact of Five Great Revolutions Alberto R. Timm Your browser does not support the audio tag. CreationEvolutionFamilyLifestyleMarriage Linear, Narrative-Plot Development in the Song of Songs Richard Davidson Your browser does not support the audio tag. FamilyLifestyleMarriage Does the Case-law of the Female Slave (Exod 21:7–11) Give a Right to Divorce? Kenneth Bergland Your browser does not support the audio tag. FamilyLifestyleMarriage The Issue of Divorce and Remarriage in 1 Corinthians 7:15 in the Light of the Dominical Logion of 7:10 Davide Sciarabba Your browser does not support the audio tag. FamilyLifestyleMarriage Adventist Theological Society and Adventist Society for ReligiousStudies Banquet Ted Wilson Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismFamilyLifestyleMarriage Adventist Society for Religious Studies Presidential Address Mark Carr Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismFamilyLifestyleMarriage Adventist Theological Society Presidential Address Felix H. Cortez Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismFamilyLifestyleMarriage Song Service and Report—Sabbath School from International ATS Scholar Jeremy vanDieman Your browser does not support the audio tag. FamilyLifestyleMarriage Divine Worship Service Ted Wilson Your browser does not support the audio tag. FamilyLifestyleMarriage Transgender Elias Brasil de Souza Your browser does not support the audio tag. CultureFamilyGenderLifestyleMarriageSexuality Panel Discussion Your browser does not support the audio tag. FamilyLifestyleMarriage