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Younker 16/1 (Spring 2005) DeathScripture From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Theology: Part I: Historical Review Fernando Canale 15/2 (Fall 2004) AdventismHistoryTheology Constitution and Bylaws of the Adventist Theological Society 15/1 (Spring 2004) AdventismTheology The Personhood of the Holy Spirit and Why It Matters Ron E. M. Clouzet 17/1 (Spring 2006) Holy Spirit A One-sided Trinity in Theology: Its Continuing Impact Norman R. Gulley 16/1 (Spring 2005) TheologyTrinity From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Theology: Part III Sanctuary and Hermeneutics Fernando Canale 17/2 (Fall 2006) AdventismHermeneuticsSanctuaryTheology Proverbs 8 and the Place of Christ in the Trinity Richard M. Davidson 17/1 (Spring 2006) Trinity The Battle Against the Sabbath and Its End-Time Importance Norman R. Gulley 05/2 (Fall 1994) Sabbath Deceptive Views on the Second Coming Jack J. Blanco 05/2 (Fall 1994) Second Coming The Parameters of Social Justice and Natural Law Theory Edwin Cook 18/1 (Spring 2007) LawRace Did King David Rape Bathsheba? A Case Study in Narrative Theology Richard M. Davidson 17/2 (Fall 2006) Theology The Cosmic Controversy: World View for Theology and Life Norman R. Gulley 07/2 (Fall 1996) PhilosophyTheology The Trinity in the Book of Revelation Edwin Reynolds 17/1 (Spring 2006) RevelationTrinity From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Biblical and Systematic Theologies--Part II Fernando Canale 16/1 (Spring 2005) AdventismScriptureTheology Was Ellen White Confused About Justification? Thomas A. Davis 17/2 (Fall 2006) JustificationRighteousnessSpirit of Prophecy Adventist Theology and Deep Time/Evolutionary Theory: Are They Compatible? Fernando Canale 15/2 (Fall 2004) AdventismEvolutionTheology Sanctuary Principles for the Successful Church Community Roy E. Gane 17/2 (Fall 2006) Sanctuary Trinity in the Old Testament Norman R. Gulley 17/1 (Spring 2006) Old TestamentTrinity God's Eternal Covenant and the Sabbath Gudmundur Olafsson 16/1 (Spring 2005) Sabbath God Is Love--Trinitarian Love! Woodrow W. Whidden II 17/1 (Spring 2006) Trinity History of Seventh-day Adventist Views on the Trinity Merlin D. Burt 17/1 (Spring 2006) AdventismHistoryTrinity Theology and Disestablishment in Colonial America: Insights from a Quaker, a Puritan, and a Baptist Nicholas P. Miller 19/1 (Spring 2008) Theology The Passible Potter and the Contingent Clay: A Theological Study of Jeremiah 18:1-10 John Peckham 18/1 (Spring 2007) Theology The Quest for a Biblical Trinity: Ellen White's "Heavenly Trio" Compared to the Traditional Doctrine Jerry Moon 17/1 (Spring 2006) DoctrineScriptureSpirit of ProphecyTrinity The Doctrine of the Trinity Among Seventh-day Adventists Gerhard Pfandl 17/1 (Spring 2006) AdventismDoctrineTrinity History and Eschatology in the Book of Daniel William H. Shea 08/1 (Spring 1997) DanielEschatologyHistory A Love Affair with the Law Siegfried Herman A. Roeske 03/1 (Spring 1992) Law Miracles and Natural Law: Are They Compatible? Glauber S. Araujo 28/2 (Fall 2017) Law Biblical_Theology_Without_Apology ScriptureTheology Is Death in Paradise Possible? Leonard Brand 11/2 (Spring 2006) Death Principles of Worship and Liturgy Fernando Canale 20/1 (Spring 2009) Worship Is Adventist Theology Compatible With Evolutionary Theory? Fernando Canale 10/4 (Fall 2005) AdventismEvolutionTheology The Emerging Church--Part 2: Epistemology, Theology, and Ministry Fernando Canale 22/2 (Fall 2011) EpistemologyPhilosophyTheology The Adventist Pilgrim: A Construct for Theological Reflection Erik C. Carter 28/1 (Spring 2017) AdventismTheology Christ_the_Key_to_Theology Theology The Legacy of Gerhard Hasel's 'Old Testament Theology' Richard M. Davidson 26/2 (Fall 2015) Old TestamentTheology A Power or Person: The Nature of the Holy Spirit Jo Ann Davidson 27/2 (Fall 2016) Holy Spirit The Divine Covenant Lawsuit Motif in Canonical Perspective Richard Davidson 21/1 (Spring 2010) Law Dispensational Biblical Interpretation: Its Past and Present Hermeneutical Systems Norman R. Gulley 04/1 (Spring 1993) DispensationalismHermeneuticsScripture The Tension of Seventh-day Adventist Identity: An Existential & Eschatological Perspective Jacques Doukhan 26/1 (Spring 2015) AdventismEschatology Ellen White on Theology, Its Methods, and the Use of Scripture P. Gerard Damsteegt 04/2 (Fall 1993) ScriptureSpirit of ProphecyTheology Faith and Theology Jack J. Blanco 04/2 (Fall 1993) Theology The Forensic and Transformational Aspects of Justification: A Response to N.T. Wright and John Piper Erwin Gane 21/2 (Fall 2010) JustificationRighteousness Sabbath and Sanctification Roy Gane 22/1 (Spring 2011) Sabbath Concepts of Righteousness in 1 Enoch 1-36 and Romans 1-3: A Comparative Analysis Eliezer Gonzalez 21/2 (Fall 2010) Righteousness Debate Over Justification by Faith: Evangelicals and Catholics Norman R. Gulley 20/1 (Spring 2009) JustificationRighteousness The Historicist Interpretation of Prophecy: Its Present Relevance in the Light of the Holy Spirit Jack J. Blanco 02/2 (Fall 1991) HistoryHoly SpiritProphecy Historicization and Christian Theological Method John T. Baldwin 04/2 (Fall 1993) HistoryTheology History of Inspiration in the Adventist Church (1844-1915) Alberto R. Timm 05/1 (Spring 1994) AdventismHistorySanctuary Unknowing, Knowing: and the Link with Scripture in Pseudo-Dionysiusâs Mystical Theology Cleran Hollancid 26/1 (Spring 2015) ScriptureTheology In Confirmation of the Sanctuary Message Richard M. Davidson 02/1 (Spring 1991) Sanctuary Faith Under Pressure: The Sabbath as Case Study George W. Reid 09/1 (Spring 1998) Sabbath Ellen G. White's Understanding of the Sanctuary and Hermeneutics Denis Fortin 09/1 (Spring 1998) HermeneuticsSanctuarySpirit of Prophecy Theophilus Brabourne and the Sabbath Nikolaus Satelmajer 09/1 (Spring 1998) Sabbath Revisiting the Sabbath in the Book of Revelation Jon Paulien 09/1 (Spring 1998) RevelationSabbath The Sanctuary and the Mission of the Church Jack J. Blanco 09/1 (Spring 1998) Sanctuary Servant-Master Roles of the Laws of Christ, Scripture, and Nature Martin Hanna 09/1 (Spring 1998) LawScripture The Sanctuary, the Gospel, and the Law Thomas A. Davis 10/1 (Spring 1999) LawSanctuary The Sanctuary, the Gospel, and the Law [CHART for ARTICLE] Thomas A. Davis 10/1 (Spring 1999) LawSanctuary Hate Your Family and Carry Your Cross: A Doctrine of Discipleship Ed Christian 10/1 (Spring 1999) AtonementDoctrineFamily Sabbath and the New Covenant Roy Gane 10/1 (Spring 1999) Sabbath The Impact of Eschatology on Protology Norman R. Gulley 11/1 (Spring 2000) Eschatology The Cultic Calendar for the Introductory Sanctuary Scenes of Revelation William H. Shea 11/1 (Spring 2000) RevelationSanctuary Job as Paradigm for the Eschaton Lael Caesar 11/1 (Spring 2000) Eschatology Sodom and Gomorrah from an Eschatological Perspective Eriks Galenieks 11/1 (Spring 2000) Eschatology Studying Eschatological Concepts in the Pentateuch Gerald A. Klingbeil 11/1 (Spring 2000) Eschatology Jesus and His Second Coming in the Apocalypse Ekkehardt Mueller 11/1 (Spring 2000) Second Coming Eschatology and Genesis 22 Jo Ann Davidson 16/1 (Spring 2005) Eschatology Trinitarian Evidences In the Apocalypse Woodrow W. Whidden 11/1 (Spring 2000) Trinity Genesis 9:1-7: Its Theological Connections with the Creation Motif Kenneth D. Mulzac 12/1 (Spring 2001) CreationTheology The Search for Darius the Mede (Concluded), or, The Time of the Answer to Daniel's Prayer and the Date of the Deathh of Darius the Mede William H. Shea 12/1 (Spring 2001) DanielDeath Justin Martyr's Sunday Worship Statement: A Forged Appendix William H. Shea 12/2 (Fall 2001) Worship Evangelical Theology and Open Theism: Toward a Biblical Understanding of the Macro Hermeneutical Principles of Theology Fernando Canale 12/2 (Fall 2002) HermeneuticsScriptureTheology Recent Developments in Luther Research: Implications for the Adventist Understanding of Christ our Righteousness C. Raymond Holmes 12/2 (Fall 2001) AdventismLutherRighteousness Is There Room for Systematics in Adventist Theology? Fernando Canale 12/2 (Fall 2001) AdventismTheology Literary and Theological Parallels Between Revelation 14-15 and Exodus 19-23 William H. Shea 12/2 (Fall 2001) RevelationTheology Daniel 9:27a: A Key for Understanding the Law's End in the New Testament Roberto Ouro 12/2 (Fall 2001) DanielLawNew TestamentScripture The Sabbath in the First Creation Accounts Jiri Moskala 13/1 (Spring 2002) CreationSabbath "Sabbath Is a Happy Day!": What Does Isaiah 58:13-14 Mean? Ed Christian 13/1 (Spring 2002) Sabbath "The Remnant of My Sheep": A Study of Jeremiah 23:1-8 in Its Biblical and Theological Contexts Kenneth D. Mulzac 13/1 (Spring 2002) RemnantScriptureTheology Between Law and Grace: Ritual and Ritual Studies in Recent Evangelical Thought Gerald A. Klingbeil 13/2 (Fall 2002) Law Did the Apostle Paul Abolish the Sabbath?: Colossians 2:14-17 Revisited Frank B. Holbrook 13/2 (Fall 2002) Sabbath Marriage and Covenant: Reflections on the Theology of Marriage Loron Wade 13/2 (Fall 2002) FamilyMarriageTheology Amos 5:18-20 in Its Exegetical and Theological Contexts Kenneth D. Mulzac 13/2 (Fall 2002) Theology The Challenge of Emancipatory Theological Education for Churches in the Third World Nestor C. Rilloma 13/2 (Fall 2002) Theology Peter Abelardâs Theology of Atonement: A Multifaceted Approach and Reevaluation Denis Kaiser 26/1 (Spring 2015) AtonementTheology The Hasel-Kaiser and Evangelical Discussions on the Seach for a Center or 'Mitte' to Biblical Theology Walter C. Kaiser Jr. 26/2 (Fall 2015) ScriptureTheology Adventist Theological-Missiology: Contextualization in Mission and Ministry Wagner Kuhn 27/2 (Fall 2016) AdventismTheology Liberation Theology Atilio R. Dupertuis 02/2 (Fall 1991) Theology âSouls Under the Altarâ: The âSoulâ and Related Anthropological Imagery in Johnâs Apocalypse Larry L. Lichtenwalter 26/1 (Spring 2015) Death The Duties and Responsibilities of the Seventh-day Adventist Theologian Larry L. Lichtenwalter 20/2 (Fall 2009) AdventismTheology Atonement in Revelation Part 1: Love, Substitution, Liberation, Doxology Larry Lichtenwalter 28/2 (Fall 2017) AtonementRevelation The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit in the General Epistles and Hebrews Larry L. Lichtenwalter 23/2 (Fall 2012) Holy Spirit Worldview Transformation and Mission: Narrative, Theology and Ritual in John's Apocalypse Larry Lichtenwalter 21/2 (Fall 2010) TheologyWorldview Adventist Eschatology in Relation to the Religious Left and the Religious Right Michael F. Younker 23/2 (Fall 2012) AdventismEschatology The Meaning of the Intercessory Ministry of Jesus Christ on Our Behalf in the Heavenly Sanctuary Jiri Moskala 28/1 (Spring 2017) Sanctuary Archaeology and Old Testament Biblical Theology: Their Interface and Mutual Informativeness Eugene H. Merrill 26/2 (Fall 2015) ArchaeologyOld TestamentScriptureTheology The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures Jiri Moskala 24/2 (Fall 2013) Holy SpiritScripture Psalm 73--Its Structure and Theology: I Delight In God's Goodness In Spite of Devastating Problems Jiri Moskala 27/2 (Fall 2016) Theology Toward Trinitarian Thinking in the Hebrew Scriptures Jiri Moskala 21/2 (Fall 2010) ScriptureTrinity The Validity of the Levitical Food Laws of Clean and Unclean Animals: A Case Study in Hermeneutics Jiri Moskala 22/2 (Fall 2011) HermeneuticsLaw The Rise of the New Apostolic Reformation and Its Implications for Adventist Eschatology Trevor O'Reggio 23/2 (Fall 2012) AdventismEschatologyReformation Universal Legal Justification: A Failed Alternative Between Calvin and Arminius Joseph Olstad 23/1 (Spring 2012) CalvinJustificationReformationRighteousness The Origin of the Biblical Sabbath and the Historical-Critical Method: A Methodological Test Case Gerhard F. Hasel 04/1 (Spring 1993) HistorySabbathScripture Israel as the People of the Covenant and Dispensationalism: A Biblical Evaluation Ikechukwu Michael Oluikpe|Kim Papaioannou 28/2 (Fall 2017) DispensationalismScripture John 5:18: Jesus and Sabbath Law--A Fresh Look at a Challenging Text Kim Papaioannou 20/2 (Fall 2009) LawSabbath Death as Sleep: The (Mis)use of a Biblical Metaphor Wilson Paroschi 28/1 (Spring 2017) DeathScripture Desmond Ford and the Righteousness by Faith Controversy Gerhard Pfandl 27/2 (Fall 2016) Desmond FordRighteousness Waldensian and Catholic Theologies of History in the XII-XIV Centuries: Part I Gonzalo L. Pita 25/2 (Fall 2014) HistoryTheology Waldensian and Catholic Theologies of History in the XII-XIV Centuries: Part II Gonzalo L. Pita 26/1 (Spring 2015) HistoryTheology The President's Page: The New Constitution and Bylaws of the Adventist Theological Society Jiri Moskala 15/1 (Spring 2004) AdventismTheology "Away from the Body and at Home with the Lord": 2 Cor 5:1-10 in Context Edwin Reynolds 24/2 (Fall 2013) DeathNew TestamentSecond Coming "Let No One Judge You": Col 2:16-17 in Exegetical Perspective Edwin Reynolds 20/2 (Fall 2009) Judgement The Theological and Practical Significance of Health Reform in the Writings of Ellen G. White Ãngel Manuel RodrÃguez 25/2 (Fall 2014) HealthLifestyleSpirit of ProphecyTheology Salvation and the Atonement Hans K. LaRondelle 03/1 (Spring 1992) Atonement Salvation and the Sanctuary George W. Reid 03/1 (Spring 1992) Sanctuary The Psalmists' Journey and the Sanctuary: A Study in the Sanctuary and the Shape of the Book of Psalms Dragoslava Santrac 25/1 (Spring 2014) Sanctuary Science and Theology Martin F. Hanna 06/2 (Fall 1995) ScienceTheology Scripture_and_Theology_Hasel ScriptureTheology âWe Thank God for Youâ-How Thanksgiving Transforms Our Walk: A Study in the Theology of Colossians Thomas R. Shepherd 25/2 (Fall 2014) Theology The Battle for Biblical Eschatology in the End Time Norman R. Gulley 01/2 (Fall 1990) EschatologyScripture The Infuence of Philosophical and Scientific World Views on the Development of Theology Norman R. Gulley 04/2 (Fall 1993) PhilosophyScienceTheology The Role of the Centrist Theologian in the Church E. Edward Zinke 02/1 (Spring 1991) Theology The Role of the Law in Salvation Lewis R. Walton 02/1 (Spring 1991) Law The Status of the Fetus in Mosaic Law Ron du Preez 01/2 (Fall 1990) Law The Theologian as Conscience for the Church George W. Reid 04/2 (Fall 1993) ScienceTheology Theology and the Role of Reason Frank M. Hasel 04/2 (Fall 1993) Theology A Theology of the Sabbath E. Edward Zinke 02/2 (Fall 1991) SabbathTheology Thmoas Kuhn's Concept of Paradigm and Paradigm Change for Theology Frank M. Hasel 02/2 (Fall 1991) Theology Toward_Understanding_the_Atonement Atonement Tributes from Friends in Theological Community Archer, Kaiser, Martens,|VanGemeren 06/1 (Spring 1995) Theology Justification by Faith: An Adventist Understanding Peter M. van Bemmelen 20/2 (Fall 2009) AdventismJustificationRighteousness Justification in the Gospels Clinton Wahlen 24/1 (Spring 2013) JustificationRighteousness Sanctuary: Cosmos, Covenant, and Creation Elias Brasil de Souza 24/1 (Spring 2013) CosmologyCreationSanctuary “What is his name, and what is his son’s name?” Proverbs 30:4 and the Trinity Stephen Bauer 29/1-2 (Spring 2018) Old TestamentScriptureTrinity Cracking the Whip to Make a Perfect Church: The Purge of the Battle Creek Church on April 6, 1870 Kevin M. Burton 29/1-2 2018 Adventist HistoryEcclesiologyRighteousness The Letter to Laodicea and the Eschatology of Revelation Clinton Wahlen 29/1-2 2018 EschatologyRevelation Desmond Ford and the Sanctuary Message Gerhard Pfandl 29/1-2 2018 DanielDesmond FordEschatology The Holy Spirit in the New Testament John K. McVay 29/1-2 2018 Holy SpiritNew Testament Cosmic Impact of Calvary Norman R. Gulley 29/1-2 2018 CosmologyEschatologyHistoryPhilosophySanctuary The Meaning of the Fear of God: The Crucial Notion of the Everlasting Gospel—A Biblical Study Jirí Moskala 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) JustificationRighteousnessScripture The Punishment of the Sabbath Breaker in Numbers 15:32-36 Daniel K. Bediako 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) JudgementOld TestamentSabbath Compassionate Ministry: Christological and Practical Reflections Anna Galeniece 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) AdventismCultureLifestyleTheology Personality of the Holy Spirit: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Investigation Christopher R. Mwashinga 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) HistoryHoly SpiritScriptureTheologyTrinity Joseph, Judah and Jesus: Revisiting Genesis 37-50 Jo Ann Davidson 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) Old TestamentScriptureTheology "Canst Thou by Searching Find Out God?": On General Revelation and Adventist Theology Glauber S. Araujo 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) CreationIntelligent DesignPhilosophyTheology Towards a Biblical Model of Spirituality, Part 1: Historical and Theological Background Silvia Canale Bacchiocchi 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) PhilosophyScriptureTheologyWorship Is Babylon the Papacy in the Book of Revelation? Edwin Reynolds 31/1-2 (Spring 2020) EschatologyRevelation Education and Eschatology: Why Theological Education is Necessary Jirí Moskala 31/1-2 (Spring 2020) AdventismEschatologyPhilosophy Jesus' Eschatological Legacy: The Tension Between the Nearness of the Second Coming and the Mission of the Church Wilson Paroschi 31/1-2 (Spring 2020) EschatologyNew Testament The Doctrine of Atonement in Communal Contexts Kelvin Onongha 31/1-2 (Spring 2020) AdventismAtonementCultureDoctrine The Newness of the New Covenant Jirí Moskala 32/1-2 (Spring 2021) HermeneuticsNew TestamentOld TestamentTheology Thinking Biblically about the Qur'an: An Exploration of Qur'anic Self-Image, Worldview, Hermeneutics and Christology Larry Lichtenwalter 32/1-2 (Spring 2021) HermeneuticsTheologyWorld Religions The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: A Narrative-Exegetical Study of Its Relationship to the Afterlife, Wealth, and Poverty–Part 1: The Afterlife Thomas R. Shepherd 32/1-2 (Spring 2021) DeathHermeneuticsLifestyleNew TestamentWorldview The Eschatological Yom Kippur among the Second Temple Jews and Early Christians Damian Chambers 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) ArchaeologyEschatologyWorld Religions Living in the Post-Easter Era: The Theology of the Matthean Eschatological Discourse (Matthew 24-25) Laszlo Gallusz 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) EschatologyNew Testament The Salvation-Historical Continuity of Resident Foreigner and National Corresponding-Holiness Torah Abstentions David Hamstra 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) DoctrineEthicsNew TestamentOld TestamentPhilosophyTheologyWorld ReligionsWorship The Lord's Prayer in the Context of the Great Controversy Marek Harastej 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) LifestyleNew TestamentScriptureWorship The Shaking: End-Time Apostasy and the Future of Adventist Eschatology John K. McVay 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) AdventismEschatologyProphecyRemnantSecond Coming The Mystery of the Seventh Seal Edwin Reynolds 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) EschatologyNew TestamentProphecyRevelationSecond Coming Divine Speeches in the Book of Psalms: Their Role, Placement, and Implication for the Message and Structure of Selected Psalms Dragoslava Santrac 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) HermeneuticsOld TestamentScriptureTheologyWorship DocumentsBack to top "Let Us Make Man In Our Image” – When God Speaks of Himself Eriks Galenicks TheologyTrinity Eternally Equal Timothy J. Arena A Historical, Biblical, And Theological Analysis Of Intertrinitarian Relationships HistoryScriptureTheologyTrinity Reexamining the Eternal Generation of the Son and Its Implications to the Doctrine of the Trinity Remwil R. Tornalejo DoctrineTheologyTrinity Wayne Grudem’s Trinitarian Subordinationism Iriann Irizarry-Hausted TheologyTrinity The Biblical Narrative of God and 'The Triune God': The Necessity of the Biblical Theological Frame for a Dogmatic Formulation of the Doctrine of Triune God Jan Barna DoctrineScriptureTheologyTrinity The Nature and Work of the Holy Spirit in the Pentateuch Richard M. Davidson Holy SpiritTheologyTrinity Neo-Subordinationism Matthew L. Tinkham Jr. The Alien Argumentation in the Gender Debate CultureGenderMarriageSexualityTheologyTrinity Power or Person Jo Ann Davidson Nature of the Holy Spirit Holy SpiritTheologyTrinity What is His Name & What is His Son's Name? Proverbs 30:4 and the Trinity Stephen Bauer TheologyTrinity Jesus and the God of Judaism Jon Paulien TheologyTrinity "Another Paraclete": The Holy Spirit in John's Gospel Wilson Paroschi Holy SpiritTheologyTrinity Contrasting Views about the Divinty of Christ in Seventh-day Adventist Theology Donny Chrissutianto AdventismTheologyTrinity Mal'akh Melohim, Mikhael, Metatron Alexander Bolotnikov Manifestations of the Angel of God in the Narratives of the Book of Judges JudgementTheologyTrinity Millennial Young Adults' Responses to Fundamental 2--The Trinity Jan Sigvartsen TheologyTrinity Genesis 19:24 and the Heresy of 'Two Powers in Heaven' and Its Implications for the Concept of God in the Pentateuch Erick Mendieta An Exegetical Appraisal TheologyTrinity The Glory of God Manifest Keldie Paroschi Interpreting Titus 2:13 TheologyTrinity A Premodern History of the Shema Esteban Hildago HistoryTheologyTrinity Sola Scriptura Statuat Lex Orandi David Williams Toward a Transcultural Theology of Liturgy ScriptureTheology Justification by Faith According to the Old Testament Richard M. Davidson In the Footsteps of the Reformers. JustificationOld Testament A New Paradigm for Understanding Martin Luther on the Soul-Sleep Donny Chrissutianto DeathLuther Liang Chuanshan--Justification by Faith-the Lutheran Heritage for Christian Mission JustificationLuther In Whose Image Are You? The Clay in Daniel 2:42-43 Ray McAllister DanielEschatology Gog and Magog Jirí Moskala Who Are They? Eschatology A Suggested Interpretation of Daniel 11:1-21 Roy E. Gane DanielEschatology How to Anticipate Living Without a Mediator Without Going Crazy Marvin Moore Eschatology Seven Letters of Revelation Jean-Luc Murk An Intertextual Study Eschatology Martin Luther’s View of Antichrist Dennis Pettibone EschatologyLuther ats_symposium_eschatology_3_1_07 Eschatology Christ, the Key to Theology D. A. Delafield 1/2 (Fall 1990) Theology AudioBack to top The Tension of the Seventh-day Adventist Identity An Existential & Eschatological Perspective Jacques B. Doukhan Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Morning Devotional Jack Blanco Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Deceiving Spirits in Job and Revelation Prolepsis and Reiteration Lael O. Caesar Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Exclusivism versus Inclusivism Citizenship in the Pentateuch and its Metaphorical Usage in Ephesians Martin Klingbeil Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Adventism and Biblical Worldview Ed Zinke Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Judgment for the Saints The Justice of God in Psalms 3–14 Jerome Skinner Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Isaiah's Messiah Adventist Identity for the Last Days Stephane Beaulieu Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Unkitsching Reality Towards an Adventist Philosophy of History Ante Jeroncic Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatologyPhilosophy Corporate Identity A view from Inside and Outside Michael F. Younker Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology ATS Recognition Program & Mini-Concert Covenant of Praise Thomas R. Shepherd Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Do Believers Receive Preferential Treatment?: The Patient, the Obedient, the Faithful, and the Reward Felix H. Cortez Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Ezekiel 40–48 and the Identity of Adventism Jirí Moskala Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Sabbath School Alan Parker Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Worship Service – The Meaning of Adventist Eschatology Stephen Bauer Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Is the Seventh-day Adventist Church the Last Remnant? Richard Sabuin Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Jesus' Understanding of Daniel as a Unifying Vision for Adventists Reimar Vetne Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismDanielEschatology Adventism at the Crossroads Identity & Eschatology—Panel Discussion Stephen Bauer|Jacques B. Doukhan|Richard Sabuin|Thomas R. Shepherd|David Trim Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Justification in the Gospels Clinton Wahlen Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Legal Universal Justification Brief Description and Evaluation Ángel M. Rodríguez Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Paul’s Concept of Justification by Faith in a Nutshell P. Richard Choi Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Pistis Iesou Subjective or Objective Genitive? Sigve K. Tonstad Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Desmond Ford and the Righteousness by Faith Controversy Gerhard Pfandl Your browser does not support the audio tag. Desmond FordJustificationRighteousness Righteous Beauty Jonathan Edwards and Justification by Faith Ante Jeroncic Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Forensic and Transformational Aspects of Justification Erwin R. Gane Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Victory Over Sins, Faith, and the Second Coming of Christ in Revelation Richard Sabuin Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousnessSecond Coming Righteousness by Faith and Doctrine Ed Zinke Your browser does not support the audio tag. DoctrineJustificationRighteousness The Justification of Man and God Another Look at Romans 3 Wilson Paroschi Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Anne Hutchinson and Adventist Views of Justification Stephen Bauer Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismJustificationRighteousness Human perfection? An exegetical and linguistic analysis of Mathew 5 48 Rodrigo P. Silva Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness The Concept of Righteousness in the Epistles of Paul and in Contemporary Jewish Apocalypses Eliezer Gonzalez Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Applying the Atonement in the Present Flawed Obedience and the Close of Probation Scott Charlesworth Your browser does not support the audio tag. JustificationRighteousness Islam and the Eschatological Remnant Jon Paulien Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Israel in Eschatological Prophecy Jacques Doukhan Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Principles for Interpreting Old Testament Eschatological Prophecies Richard Davidson Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology In Whose Image Are You? The Clay in Daniel 2:42-43 Ray McAllister Your browser does not support the audio tag. DanielEschatology Gog and Magog Who Are They? Jirí Moskala Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Eschatology as Motivator for Moral Life Miroslav Kis Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Living for the Lord End-Time Ethics Ron du Preez Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology The Push Toward Conservative Lifestyle And the Rise of the Antichrist John Reeve Your browser does not support the audio tag. EschatologyLifestyle The Remnant in the Oracles Against the Foreign Nations in Jeremiah Ken Mulzac Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Unclean Spirits Like Frogs A Revelation from Job Lael Caesar Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Redemption of the Body A Study in Micro-, Messo-, and Macro-Cosmic Eschatology Martin Hanna Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology The Sabbath in Revelation 13 Edwin Cook Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology A Suggested Interpretation of Daniel 11:1-21 Roy E. Gane Your browser does not support the audio tag. DanielEschatology Eschatology, Messiah, and the Rebuilding of the Temple Philosophical Parallels and Differences Between Adventists, Evangelicals, and the Hasidim Alexander Bolotnikov Your browser does not support the audio tag. EschatologyPhilosophy More on Daniel 8 and 9 Alberto R. Treiyer Your browser does not support the audio tag. DanielEschatology How to Anticipate Living Without a Mediator Without Going Crazy Marvin Moore Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Hermeneutical Principles for Interpreting Daniel 10–12 Carlos Mora Your browser does not support the audio tag. DanielEschatology Seven Letters of Revelation An Intertextual Study Jean-Luc Murk Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Seeing God With or Without the Body? (Job 19:25–27) Erik Galenieks Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Martin Luther’s View of Antichrist Dennis Pettibone Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Ellen White and the Interpretation of the Seven Churches Denis Fortin Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Toward an Adventist Theology of Hope Ángel M. Rodríguez Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismEschatology Behold I Come Quickly— And We Are Still Here! Jo Ann Davidson Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Eschatology in Ecclesiastes Jacques Doukhan Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Evangelism and Eschatology Larry Lichtenwalter Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Futurism and Daniel 12 Gerhard Pfandl Your browser does not support the audio tag. DanielEschatology Revelation 4 and 5 Inauguration or Day of Atonement? Ranko Stefanovic Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology The Third Angel’s Message and Paul P. Richard Choi Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology The Interpretation of Revelation 17— A Suggestion Ekkehardt Mueller Your browser does not support the audio tag. Eschatology Morning Devotional Clinton Wahlen Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement Methodological Questions and the Moral Influence Theory of Atonement Ed Zinke Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement Peter Abelard's Theory of Atonement A Multifaceted Approach and Re-evaluation Denis Kaiser Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement The Doctrine of Atonement in Communal Contexts Kelvin Onongha Your browser does not support the audio tag. AtonementDoctrine The Emergence Narrative of the Atonement Which is the Fairest of Them All? John Jovan Markovic Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement Jesus' Prayer in Matthew 26:36-56 and the Atonement A Narrative Study Adelina Alexe Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement The Atonement in John's Apocalypse Larry Lichtenwalter Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement Assurance in the Anti-typical Day of Atonement Richard Davidson Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement Abraham, Isaac and Akedah The Atonement according to Moses Jo Ann Davidson Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement Worship Service – Christ Suffered for You Thomas R. Shepherd Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement The Atonement and the Restrainer Ross Winkle Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement Legal Substitution and Experiential Transformation in the Typology of Leviticus Roy E. Gane Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement "Without Shedding of Blood There Is no Remission": Atonement, Substitution and the Logic of Forgiveness in Hebrews Felix H. Cortez Your browser does not support the audio tag. Atonement Does Open Theism Limit God? Richard Rice Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismCalvinReformationTrinity Incarnation, Death, Resurrection Atonement as a Narrative Ángel M. Rodríguez Your browser does not support the audio tag. AdventismCalvinDeathReformation