- Please submit your article in Word or WordPerfect. Additionally, please send a pdf version as well. Submit your article to ayounker@gmail.com.
- Articles should include footnotes rather than endnotes and should be approximately 15-40 pages in length.
- For any charts, diagrams, tables, etc., please keep in mind that they must be grayscale and that the finished margins are: left 2.25, right 1.75, top and bottom 1.75 inches. All graphics must fit within these margins.
- For biblical languages, we prefer that you use transliterations as much as possible. When necessary or desirable that original Hebrew or Greek characters are included we require (Bible Works bwhebb and bwgrkl) or SBL fonts.
- You may wish to consult our website to see previous articles as examples. Please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions. We look forward to receiving your submission.
- Please note that submission of an article does not guarantee publication. All articles are blind reviewed by at least two reviewers.