Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

Theme & Synopsis

Our symposium this year addresses the duty of the Church as the spiritual entity most responsible for our society’s moral integrity. The theme of these November meetings is "Christians in the Public Square" (ETS) and "The Church in the Public Square" (ATS).


Our November meetings will be at the Hilton Washington in downtown Washington D.C. with ETS (November 16) and the day long Sabbath ATS Bible Symposium at the Spencerville Church at 16325 New Hampshire Ave., in Silver Spring, MD (November 18).


Take the Chance - 1st Worship Service

Carl P. CosaertPresident, ATS

Sabbath Mode in a Hurting World

Larry LichtenwalterDean, School of Theology, Middle Eastern College

The Prophetic Voice of Amos as a Paradigm for Christians in the Public Square

Gerald A. KlingbeilAIIAS, Philippines

The Parameters of Social Justice and Natural Law Theory

Edwin CookDawson Institute for Church-State Studies, Baylor University

Biblical Models of Church and Society Relations

Miroslav M. KisAndrews University

The Church in the Public Square: Public Activity and Public Image

John GrazInternational Religious Liberty Association

The Priesthood of Believers and the Separation of Church and State: 18th Century American Protestant Thought and Religious Disestablishment

Nicholas P. MillerAndrews University

Should the Christian Mission Focus on Salvation or Society?

Bert B. BeachInternational Religious Liberty Association