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Gulley 08/1 (Spring 1997) Revelation "Eating" and "Drinking" in the Book of Revelation: A Study of New Testament Thought and Theolgy Gerald A. Klingbeil 16/1 (Spring 2005) New TestamentRevelationScripture The Trinity in the Book of Revelation Edwin Reynolds 17/1 (Spring 2006) RevelationTrinity Revelation 9:15 and the Limits of Greek Syntax Tarsee Li 08/1 (Spring 1997) Revelation Is the Angel of Revelation 10 a Divine Being? Jim Hiner, Jr. 08/1 (Spring 1997) Revelation The "Fall of Babylon" Motif in the Books of Jeremiah and Revelation Kenneth Mulzac 08/1 (Spring 1997) Revelation The Restoration of the Primordial World of Genesis 1-3 in Revelation 21-22 Bruce Norman 08/1 (Spring 1997) Revelation Preaching Revelation to the Secular Mind Bruce Norman 08/1 (Spring 1997) Revelation Paul and Revelation 14 P. Richard Choi 20/2 (Fall 2009) Revelation Thrones in the Book of Revelation Pt1-Throne of God Laszlo Gallusz 23/2 (Fall 2012) Revelation Thrones in the Book of Revelation Part 4: Thrones of God's Adversaries Laszlo Gallusz 25/1 (Spring 2014) Revelation Thrones in the Book of Revelation Part 3: Thrones of God's Allies Laszlo Gallusz 24/2 (Fall 2013) Revelation Thrones in the Book of Revelation Pt2-The Lamb on the Throne Laszlo Gallusz 24/1 (Spring 2013) Revelation The Cosmic Conflict: Revelationâs Undercurrent Steven Grabiner 26/1 (Spring 2015) Revelation Revisiting the Sabbath in the Book of Revelation Jon Paulien 09/1 (Spring 1998) RevelationSabbath Divine Accomodation in Revelation and Scripture Peter M. van Bemmelen 09/1 (Spring 1998) RevelationScripture Recapitulation in Revelation 4-11 Ekkehardt Mueller 09/1 (Spring 1998) Revelation The Cultic Calendar for the Introductory Sanctuary Scenes of Revelation William H. Shea 11/1 (Spring 2000) RevelationSanctuary The End Time Remnant in Revelation Ekkehardt Mueller 11/1 (Spring 2000) RemnantRevelation Controversy Over the Commandments in the Central Chiasm of Revelation William H. Shea 11/1 (Spring 2000) Revelation Ten Keys for Interpreting the Book of Revelation Edwin Reynolds 11/1 (Spring 2000) Revelation Straight-Legged People: Elijah's Message to Revelation's Remnant Ed Christian 11/1 (Spring 2000) RemnantRevelation Literary and Theological Parallels Between Revelation 14-15 and Exodus 19-23 William H. Shea 12/2 (Fall 2001) RevelationTheology Introduction to the Ecclesiology of the Book of Revelation Ekkehardt Mueller 12/2 (Fall 2001) EcclesiologyRevelation Finding Meaning in the Literary Patterns of Revelation Ranko Stefanovic 13/1 (Spring 2002) Revelation The Two Witnesses of Revelation 11 Ekkehardt Mueller 13/2 (Fall 2002) Revelation The Faithful and True Witness of Revelation 1:5 and 3:14 S. Joseph Kidder 28/1 (Spring 2017) Revelation The Controverted Little Book of Revelation 10 and the Shape of Apocalyptic Mission George R. Knight 28/1 (Spring 2017) Revelation Atonement in Revelation Part 1: Love, Substitution, Liberation, Doxology Larry Lichtenwalter 28/2 (Fall 2017) AtonementRevelation Christological Concepts in the Book of Revelation--Part 1: Jesus in the Apocalypse Ekkehardt Mueller 21/2 (Fall 2010) Revelation Christological Concepts in the Book of Revelation--Part 2: Christ's Divinity Ekkehardt Meuller 22/1 (Spring 2011) Revelation Christological Concepts in the Book of Revelation--Part 3: The Lamb Christology Ekkehardt Mueller 22/2 (Fall 2011) Revelation The Promise "I am Coming Soon" in Revelation Rabach Symon Odek 25/1 (Spring 2014) Revelation Zechariah's Flying Scroll and Revelation's Unsealed Scroll William H. Shea 14/2 (Fall 2003) Revelation The Letter to Laodicea and the Eschatology of Revelation Clinton Wahlen 29/1-2 2018 EschatologyRevelation Creation in the Book of Revelation Ekkehardt Meuller 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) CreationRevelation The Tree of Life and Ethics: Moral Vision in John's Apocalypse Larry L. Lichtenwalter 30/1-2 (Spring 2019) EthicsRevelation Is Babylon the Papacy in the Book of Revelation? Edwin Reynolds 31/1-2 (Spring 2020) EschatologyRevelation The "Spirit of Prophecy" (Rev 19:10) in the Light of Second Temple Jewish Usage Davidson Razafiarivony 31/1-2 (Spring 2020) New TestamentRevelation The Mystery of the Seventh Seal Edwin Reynolds 33/1-2 (Spring 2022) EschatologyNew TestamentProphecyRevelationSecond Coming