Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

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Theology and Disestablishment in Colonial America: Insights from a Quaker, a Puritan, and a Baptist

Nicholas P. Miller

19/1 (Spring 2008)


Divine Accommodation and Cultural Conditioning of the Inspired Writings

Alberto R. Timm

19/1 (Spring 2008)


Politics--To Engage or Not to Engage? Seeking a Biblical Perspective

John Wesley Taylor V

19/1 (Spring 2008)


Darwin and the Gospel Commission: How Does Our View of Origins Impact the Evangelistic Mission of the Church?

Stephen Bauer

19/1 (Spring 2008)


Exploring the Factors That Shaped the Early Adventist Mission to Jamaica

Trevor O'Reggio

19/1 (Spring 2008)


JATS Cumulative Index By Author: 1990-2008

19/1 (Spring 2008)

The Editor's Page

Edwin Reynolds

18/2 (Fall 2007)

Revelation-Inspiration Model of a Relational God

Norman R. Gulley

18/2 (Fall 2007)


Encountering Truth: A Biblical Perspective

John Wesley Taylor V

18/2 (Fall 2007)


Ellen White's Interpretation and Use of the Seven Letters of Revelation

Denis Fortin

18/2 (Fall 2007)

RevelationSpirit of Prophecy

The Development of Ellen G. White's Concept of Babylon in The Great Controversy

Don Leo M. Garilva

18/2 (Fall 2007)

Spirit of Prophecy

Toward the Fulfillment of the Gog and Magog Prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39

Jiri Moskala

18/2 (Fall 2007)


An Investigation of Luther's View of the Bondage of the Will with Implications for Soteriology and Theodicy

John Peckham

18/2 (Fall 2007)


The Editor's Page

Edwin Reynolds

18/1 (Spring 2007)

Reflections on Organizational Patterns Among Pauline Congregations

Miguel Luna

18/1 (Spring 2007)

Models of Religious Authority

Darius Jankiewicz

18/1 (Spring 2007)

The Public Square: Union of Churchh and State: What We Can Learn from History and Scripture

Norman R. Gulley

18/1 (Spring 2007)


The Parameters of Social Justice and Natural Law Theory

Edwin Cook

18/1 (Spring 2007)


Martin Luther's Views on the Antichrist

Dennis Pettibone

18/1 (Spring 2007)


Seeing God With or Without the Body: Job 19:25-27

Erik Galenieks

18/1 (Spring 2007)

Clay in Nebuchadnezzar's Dream and the Genesis Creation Accounts

Ray McAllister

18/1 (Spring 2007)


The Passible Potter and the Contingent Clay: A Theological Study of Jeremiah 18:1-10

John Peckham

18/1 (Spring 2007)


Leadership in the Early Church During Its First Hundred Years

Robert M. Johnston

17/2 (Fall 2006)

The True and the False in the Ecclesiology of Revelation

Edwin Reynolds

17/2 (Fall 2006)


From Vision to System: Finishing the Task of Adventist Theology: Part III Sanctuary and Hermeneutics

Fernando Canale

17/2 (Fall 2006)


Did King David Rape Bathsheba? A Case Study in Narrative Theology

Richard M. Davidson

17/2 (Fall 2006)


Was Ellen White Confused About Justification?

Thomas A. Davis

17/2 (Fall 2006)

JustificationRighteousnessSpirit of Prophecy

Sanctuary Principles for the Successful Church Community

Roy E. Gane

17/2 (Fall 2006)


C-5 Muslims, C-5 Missionaries, or C-5 Strategies?

Carlos G. Martin

17/2 (Fall 2006)

Slavery, Prophecy, and the American Nation as Seen by the Adventist Pioneers, 1854-1865

Trevor O'Reggio

17/2 (Fall 2006)


The Editor's Page

Edwin Reynolds

17/1 (Spring 2006)

God, the Trinity, and Adventism: An Introduction to the Issues

Denis Fortin

17/1 (Spring 2006)


The Personhood of the Holy Spirit and Why It Matters

Ron E. M. Clouzet

17/1 (Spring 2006)

Holy Spirit

Proverbs 8 and the Place of Christ in the Trinity

Richard M. Davidson

17/1 (Spring 2006)


The Trinity in the Book of Revelation

Edwin Reynolds

17/1 (Spring 2006)


The Da Vinci Code, the Nature of Christ, and Historical Accuracy

Dennis Pettibone

17/1 (Spring 2006)


Trinity in the Old Testament

Norman R. Gulley

17/1 (Spring 2006)

Old TestamentTrinity

God Is Love--Trinitarian Love!

Woodrow W. Whidden II

17/1 (Spring 2006)


History of Seventh-day Adventist Views on the Trinity

Merlin D. Burt

17/1 (Spring 2006)


The Quest for a Biblical Trinity: Ellen White's "Heavenly Trio" Compared to the Traditional Doctrine

Jerry Moon

17/1 (Spring 2006)

DoctrineScriptureSpirit of ProphecyTrinity

The Doctrine of the Trinity Among Seventh-day Adventists

Gerhard Pfandl

17/1 (Spring 2006)


The End of Historicism? Reflections on the Adventist Approach to Biblical Apocalyptic--Part Two

Jon Paulien

17/1 (Spring 2006)


The Well Women of Scripture Revisited

Jo Ann Davidson

17/1 (Spring 2006)


Ellen G. White and Creationism: How to Deal with Her Statements on Creation and Evolution: Implications and Prospects

Frank M. Hasel

17/1 (Spring 2006)

CreationEvolutionSpirit of Prophecy

The Quest for the Biblical Ontological Ground of Christian Theology

Fernando Canale

16/1 (Spring 2005)


The Term Tehorah in Genesis 7:2: A Linguistic Study

Roberto Ouro

16/1 (Spring 2005)

A Look at Biblical and Ancient Extra-Biblical Perspectives on Death

Randall W. Younker

16/1 (Spring 2005)


A One-sided Trinity in Theology: Its Continuing Impact

Norman R. Gulley

16/1 (Spring 2005)


"Eating" and "Drinking" in the Book of Revelation: A Study of New Testament Thought and Theolgy

Gerald A. Klingbeil

16/1 (Spring 2005)

New TestamentRevelationScripture

The Role of the Statement of Beliefs and Creeds

Kwabena Donkor

16/1 (Spring 2005)