Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

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The Cosmic Conflict: Revelation’s Undercurrent

Steven Grabiner

26/1 (Spring 2015)


Unknowing, Knowing: and the Link with Scripture in Pseudo-Dionysius’s Mystical Theology

Cleran Hollancid

26/1 (Spring 2015)


Peter Abelard’s Theology of Atonement: A Multifaceted Approach and Reevaluation

Denis Kaiser

26/1 (Spring 2015)


“Souls Under the Altar”: The ‘Soul’ and Related Anthropological Imagery in John’s Apocalypse

Larry L. Lichtenwalter

26/1 (Spring 2015)


The Mission-Charity Dilemma: Fresh Perspectives from Paul’s Practice

Felix H. Cortez

26/1 (Spring 2015)

The Tension of Seventh-day Adventist Identity: An Existential & Eschatological Perspective

Jacques Doukhan

26/1 (Spring 2015)


Editor's Page 2015 26 # 1

Randall W. Younker

26/1 (Spring 2015)

Waldensian and Catholic Theologies of History in the XII-XIV Centuries: Part II

Gonzalo L. Pita

26/1 (Spring 2015)


Creation and Theodicy: Protological Presuppositions in Evolutionary Theodicy

Adriani Milli Rodrigues

25/2 (Fall 2014)


The Theological and Practical Significance of Health Reform in the Writings of Ellen G. White

Ángel Manuel Rodríguez

25/2 (Fall 2014)

HealthLifestyleSpirit of ProphecyTheology

“We Thank God for You”-How Thanksgiving Transforms Our Walk: A Study in the Theology of Colossians

Thomas R. Shepherd

25/2 (Fall 2014)


A Christian Critique of the Antimodern Quest: Challenge and Opportunity

John Wesley Taylor V

25/2 (Fall 2014)

'United We Stand': A Biblical Perspective on Ecumenical Relations

Gerald A. Kingbeil

25/2 (Fall 2014)


Editor's Page 25 # 2 2014

Randall W. Younker

25/2 (Fall 2014)

Judgment Motifs in the Messages to the Seven Churches

Kim Papaioannou

25/2 (Fall 2014)

Waldensian and Catholic Theologies of History in the XII-XIV Centuries: Part I

Gonzalo L. Pita

25/2 (Fall 2014)


The Psalmists' Journey and the Sanctuary: A Study in the Sanctuary and the Shape of the Book of Psalms

Dragoslava Santrac

25/1 (Spring 2014)


Ecosystem Community Health Initiatives and Care of Creation

Warren Shipton

25/1 (Spring 2014)


The American Socio-Political Spider Web and the Rise of Global Christianity

Michael F. Younker

25/1 (Spring 2014)

Meek Leadership: The Mosaic Model

Lael Caesar

25/1 (Spring 2014)

The Father of Black Adventism: Charles M. Kinny

Trevor O'Reggio

25/1 (Spring 2014)


Editor's Page 2014 25 # 1

Randall W. Younker

25/1 (Spring 2014)

The Promise "I am Coming Soon" in Revelation

Rabach Symon Odek

25/1 (Spring 2014)


Thrones in the Book of Revelation Part 4: Thrones of God's Adversaries

Laszlo Gallusz

25/1 (Spring 2014)


Thrones in the Book of Revelation Part 3: Thrones of God's Allies

Laszlo Gallusz

24/2 (Fall 2013)


Is Sexuality Impure? An Alternative Interpretatio nof Leviticus 15:18

Rene Gehring

24/2 (Fall 2013)


"Away from the Body and at Home with the Lord": 2 Cor 5:1-10 in Context

Edwin Reynolds

24/2 (Fall 2013)

DeathNew TestamentSecond Coming

The Holy Spirit in the Hebrew Scriptures

Jiri Moskala

24/2 (Fall 2013)

Holy SpiritScripture

Editor's Page 24# 2

Randall W. Younker

24/2 (Fall 2013)

Thrones in the Book of Revelation Pt2-The Lamb on the Throne

Laszlo Gallusz

24/1 (Spring 2013)


The Sola Scriptura Principle in the Current Debate

Aleksandar S. Santrac

24/1 (Spring 2013)


Justification in the Gospels

Clinton Wahlen

24/1 (Spring 2013)


Sanctuary: Cosmos, Covenant, and Creation

Elias Brasil de Souza

24/1 (Spring 2013)


The Everlasting Covenant

Peter M. van Bemmelen

24/1 (Spring 2013)

On Being the Remnant

Fernando Canale

24/1 (Spring 2013)


The Resurrection and the Old Testament: A Fresh Look in Light of Recent Reseach

Jon Paulien

24/1 (Spring 2013)

Old Testament

Editors page 24-1 2013

Randall W. Younker

24/1 (Spring 2013)

The Scholar and the Word of God: Reflections on 2 Peter 1:16-21

Tom Shepherd

24/1 (Fall 2013)

The Role of the Genesis Creation in the Writings of the Apostolic Fathers

Eliezer Gonzalez

23/2 (Fall 2012)


Racial Segregation Practice in a Religious Context

Cleran Hollancid

23/2 (Fall 2012)


The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit in the General Epistles and Hebrews

Larry L. Lichtenwalter

23/2 (Fall 2012)

Holy Spirit

The Emerging Church Pt 4-Levels of Change

Fernando Canale

23/2 (Fall 2012)

Adventist Eschatology in Relation to the Religious Left and the Religious Right

Michael F. Younker

23/2 (Fall 2012)


The Rise of the New Apostolic Reformation and Its Implications for Adventist Eschatology

Trevor O'Reggio

23/2 (Fall 2012)


The Editor's Page 23-2

Randall W. Younker

23/2 (Fall 2012)

Thrones in the Book of Revelation Pt1-Throne of God

Laszlo Gallusz

23/2 (Fall 2012)


The Implications of Arminius' Understanding of the Intellect on Knowledge Exchange Strategies

Terry Robertson

23/1 (Spring 2012)

Thorns Also and Thistles

Warren A. Shipton

23/1 (Spring 2012)

A Dialogue Between Contemporary Perspectives and Ellen White on Divine Action and Quantum Physics

Michael F. Younker

23/1 (Spring 2012)

Spirit of Prophecy

Book Review-Understanding Creation: Answers to Questions on Faith and Science

Joe Galusha

23/1 (Spring 2012)
