Journal JATS Journal Online Archive Show Filters + Sort list by: Issue Title Author Order list in: Ascending Order Descending Order Search title, author, and issue: First«23456»Last Page 4 of 13 The Emerging Church-Part 3: Evangelical Evaluations Fernando Canale 23/1 (Spring 2012) Universal Legal Justification: A Failed Alternative Between Calvin and Arminius Joseph Olstad 23/1 (Spring 2012) CalvinJustificationReformationRighteousness The Editor's Page 23-1 Randall W. Younker 23/1 (Spring 2012) In Defense of the Year-day Principle Gerhard Pfandl 23/1 (Spring 2012) Apocalyptic and Free Will Robert Johnston 22/2 (Fall 2011) The Biblical Witness of the Character of God in Relation to the Qur'an Larry Lichtenwalter 22/2 (Fall 2011) Scripture The Emerging Church--Part 2: Epistemology, Theology, and Ministry Fernando Canale 22/2 (Fall 2011) EpistemologyPhilosophyTheology The Validity of the Levitical Food Laws of Clean and Unclean Animals: A Case Study in Hermeneutics Jiri Moskala 22/2 (Fall 2011) HermeneuticsLaw Christological Concepts in the Book of Revelation--Part 3: The Lamb Christology Ekkehardt Mueller 22/2 (Fall 2011) Revelation A Re-examination of Luther's View on the State of the Dead Trevor O'Reggio 22/2 (Fall 2011) Luther The Editor's Page 22-2 2011 Randall Younker 22/2 (Fall 2011) Sabbath and Sanctification Roy Gane 22/1 (Spring 2011) Sabbath Practical Spirituality in Isaiah 1:10-20 Paul Gregor 22/1 (Spring 2011) The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind--Part 2 Fernando Canale 22/1 (Spring 2011) AdventismScripture The Emerging Church--Part 1: Historical Background Fernando Canale 22/1 (Spring 2011) History The Gospel According to God's Judgment: Judgment as Salvation Jiri Moskala 22/1 (Spring 2011) Christological Concepts in the Book of Revelation--Part 2: Christ's Divinity Ekkehardt Meuller 22/1 (Spring 2011) Revelation The Editor's Page Randall W. Younker 22/1 (Spring 2011) The Forensic and Transformational Aspects of Justification: A Response to N.T. Wright and John Piper Erwin Gane 21/2 (Fall 2010) JustificationRighteousness Concepts of Righteousness in 1 Enoch 1-36 and Romans 1-3: A Comparative Analysis Eliezer Gonzalez 21/2 (Fall 2010) Righteousness The Eclipse of Scripture and the Protestantization of the Adventist Mind--Part 1 Fernando Canale 21/2 (Fall 2010) AdventismScripture Worldview Transformation and Mission: Narrative, Theology and Ritual in John's Apocalypse Larry Lichtenwalter 21/2 (Fall 2010) TheologyWorldview Toward Trinitarian Thinking in the Hebrew Scriptures Jiri Moskala 21/2 (Fall 2010) ScriptureTrinity Christological Concepts in the Book of Revelation--Part 1: Jesus in the Apocalypse Ekkehardt Mueller 21/2 (Fall 2010) Revelation The Unifying Logic of Israelite Purification Offerings Within Their Ancient Near Eastern Context Roy Gane 21/1 (Spring 2010) Daniel's Message to a Modern Man Paul Gregor 21/1 (Spring 2010) Daniel "Does God Care About Oxen?": Another Look at Paul's Use of Deuteronomy 25:4 in 1 Corinthians 9:9 A. Rahel Schafer 21/1 (Spring 2010) Development of the Fundamental Beliefs Statement #6: Creation Sergio Silva 21/1 (Spring 2010) Creation By Faith or by Knowledge: Mystery of Creation in Rabbinic Literature Alexander Bolotnikov 21/1 (Spring 2010) Creation The Divine Covenant Lawsuit Motif in Canonical Perspective Richard Davidson 21/1 (Spring 2010) Law "Let No One Judge You": Col 2:16-17 in Exegetical Perspective Edwin Reynolds 20/2 (Fall 2009) Judgement Justification by Faith: An Adventist Understanding Peter M. van Bemmelen 20/2 (Fall 2009) AdventismJustificationRighteousness The Duties and Responsibilities of the Seventh-day Adventist Theologian Larry L. Lichtenwalter 20/2 (Fall 2009) AdventismTheology Paul and Revelation 14 P. Richard Choi 20/2 (Fall 2009) Revelation Early Seventh-day Adventist Views on Calvin and Calvinism Julius Nam 20/2 (Fall 2009) AdventismCalvinReformation John 5:18: Jesus and Sabbath Law--A Fresh Look at a Challenging Text Kim Papaioannou 20/2 (Fall 2009) LawSabbath The Story of Ruth: A Chronological and Genealogical Perspective Paul Ray 20/1 (Spring 2009) Progressions in the Book of Daniel Ferdinand Regalado 20/1 (Spring 2009) Daniel Debate Over Justification by Faith: Evangelicals and Catholics Norman R. Gulley 20/1 (Spring 2009) JustificationRighteousness Creation in the Prophetic Literature of the Old Testament: An Intertextual Approach Martin Klingbeil 20/1 (Spring 2009) CreationOld TestamentProphecy Principles of Worship and Liturgy Fernando Canale 20/1 (Spring 2009) Worship Archaeology and the Interpretation of John's Gospel: A Review Essay Wilson Paroschi 20/1 (Spring 2009) Archaeology The Editor's Page Edwin Reynolds 19/1 (Spring 2008) Ytr as a Remnant Term in the Book of Jeremiah Kenneth D. Mulzac 19/1 (Spring 2008) Remnant The Message of God's People in the Old Testament Jiri Moskala 19/1 (Spring 2008) Old Testament The Mission of God's People in the Old Testament Jiri Moskala 19/1 (Spring 2008) Old Testament The Decalogue Predates Mount Sinai: Indicators from the Book of Genesis Jo Ann Davidson 19/1 (Spring 2008) The Message of the Trees in the Midst of the Garden Sigve K. Tonstad 19/1 (Spring 2008) "See that you do not refuse the one who is speaking": Hearing God Preach and Obedience in the Letter to the Hebrews Felix H. Cortez 19/1 (Spring 2008) Emphasizing the Wholeness of Man Jonathan Oey Kuntaraf|Kathleen Liwidjaja-Kuntaraf 19/1 (Spring 2008) First«23456»Last Page 4 of 13