Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

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Martin Luther and extra ecclesiam nulla salus (Outside of the Church there is no Salvation)

Did Luther Really Abandon Cyprian?

Darius Janciwicz

Adventist Standards

Constraint of Freedom

Miroslav Kis


Women Bear God's Image

Considerations from a Neglected Perspective

Jo Ann Davidson


The Knowledge from Creation

Condemning Glory and Hopeful Suffering in Romans 1:18-23 and 8:19-23 

A. Rahel Schafer


Exclusivism versus Inclusivism

Citizenship in the Pentateuch and its Metaphorical Usage in Ephesians​

Martin Klingbeil


The Legacy of Gerhard Hasel’s Old Testament Theology

Basic Issues in the Current Debate Revealed in Old Testament Scholarship of the Last Two Decades

Richard M. Davidson


Incarnation, Death, Resurrection

Atonement as a Narrative

Ángel M. Rodríguez


Seven Letters of Revelation

An Intertextual Study

Jean-Luc Murk


The Bill of Divorce

An Intertextual Reading of Tractate Gittin and the New Testament Logia Regarding Divorce

Donn W. Leatherman


The Clarity and Obscurity of Inspired Writings

An Historical Survey from the Protestant Reformers to Seventh-day Adventists

Denis Kaiser
