Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

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God's Word

The Potential For Ever More Truth

Barry Callen


Judgment for the Saints

The Justice of God in Psalms 3–14

Jerome Skinner


Fate or Destiny

The Issue of Predestination and Free Will in Hebrew (OT) and Jewish Thought 

Jacques B. Doukhan


Intrinsic Canonicity

The Inadequacy of the Community to Determine the Canon

John Peckham

AdventismProphecySpirit of Prophecy

You Shall Not Boil a Young Goat in its Mother’s Milk

the Case of Caring for Creation

Alexander Bolotnikov


“The Glory Which Shall be Revealed in Us”

The Biblical and Historical Roots of Last Generation Theology in the Seventh-day Adventist Church

Kevin Paulson


Abraham, Isaac and Akedah

The Atonement according to Moses

Jo Ann Davidson


Embracing and Waiting Patiently for the Word

Standing on the Promises of God

Jirí Moskala


Adventist Society for Religious Studies Presidential Address

Sola Scriptura, Truth, and the Future of Bible Interpretation

Olive Hemming


Homosexuality and the Church

Seeking a Way Forward

Jon Paulien
