Our conviction and strong desire is to foster biblical, theological, and historical studies that strengthen the Seventh-day Adventist Church’s message and mission.

Berrien Springs, Michigan

"Current Issues in Eschatology" was the title of the symposium held at Village SDA Church in Berrien Springs on March 1-3, 2007, and co-sponsored by ATS and the Andrews University Seminary Old Testament Department. March 1-3.

These last-day events meeting began with lectures by Jon Paulien and Jacques Doukhan on the theme "Israel, Islam, and the End-Time." Thirty presenters, representing the best in SDA scholarship, dealt with various topics of vital current interest regarding last-day events.


Gog and Magog: Who Are They?

Jirí MoskalaAndrews University
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A Suggested Interpretation of Daniel 11:1-21

Roy E. GaneProfessor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages, Andrews University
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Islam and the Eschatological Remnant

Jon Paulien

Israel in Eschatological Prophecy

Principles for Interpreting Old Testament Eschatological Prophecies

In Whose Image Are You? The Clay in Daniel 2:42-43

Ray McAllister

Gog and Magog: Who Are They?

Jirí MoskalaAndrews University

Eschatology as Motivator for Moral Life

Miroslav Kis

Living for the Lord: End-Time Ethics

Ron du Preez

The Push Toward Conservative Lifestyle And the Rise of the Antichrist

The Remnant in the Oracles Against the Foreign Nations in Jeremiah

Ken Mulzac

Unclean Spirits Like Frogs: A Revelation from Job

Lael Caesar

Redemption of the Body: A Study in Micro-, Messo-, and Macro-Cosmic Eschatology

The Sabbath in Revelation 13

Edwin CookDawson Institute for Church-State Studies, Baylor University

A Suggested Interpretation of Daniel 11:1-21

Roy E. GaneProfessor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages, Andrews University

Eschatology, Messiah, and the Rebuilding of the Temple: Philosophical Parallels and Differences Between Adventists, Evangelicals, and the Hasidim

Alexander BolotnikovM.A., M.Ph., Ph.D. candidate, Hebrew Union College

More on Daniel 8 and 9

Alberto R. Treiyer

How to Anticipate Living Without a Mediator Without Going Crazy

Marvin Moore

Hermeneutical Principles for Interpreting Daniel 10–12

Seven Letters of Revelation: An Intertextual Study

Jean-Luc Murk

Seeing God: With or Without the Body? (Job 19:25–27)

Erik Galenieks

Martin Luther’s View of Antichrist

Dennis Pettibone

Ellen White and the Interpretation of the Seven Churches

Denis Fortin

Toward an Adventist Theology of Hope

Ángel M. Rodríguez

Behold I Come Quickly— And We Are Still Here!

Jo Ann DavidsonProfessor of Theology, Andrews University

Eschatology in Ecclesiastes

Evangelism and Eschatology

Larry LichtenwalterDean, School of Theology, Middle Eastern College

Futurism and Daniel 12

Gerhard Pfandl

Revelation 4 and 5: Inauguration or Day of Atonement?

Ranko Stefanovic

The Third Angel’s Message and Paul

P. Richard Choi

The Interpretation of Revelation 17— A Suggestion

Ekkehardt Mueller